


Catalog Description

This course introduces fundamental programming concepts in the Python (≥3.7) language and related environment. Fundamental concepts include overview of computer systems, Python environment setup, Python language overview, command line interface, numbers, string formatting, sequences, dictionaries and sets, control flow, exception, file, function, recursion, object orientation, inheritance, polymorphism, iterables, and modules. The programming environment will be primarily text-based in Unix environment, although graphical user interface (IDLE) and web-based (Jupyter) will also be demonstrated.



This course is classified as "asynchronous remote instruction" (非同步遠距教學). That means you are required to view the recorded lectures at your own time of convenience. We strongly suggest you view the lectures regularly in advance (ahead of schedule). Although the course is listed on M2 W3 W4, not all periods will be used.

  • M2 (Monday 9:00 am-9:50 am) will be reserved for Q&A, based on further announcement. Attendance will be optional.
  • W3 W4 (Wednesday 10:10 am-12:00 pm) will be reserved for tests, including quizzes once every two weeks and final exam.

Attendance is mandatory for

  • the biweekly quizzes,
  • in-person program grading (by appointment with the TA), and
  • final exam.

本課程教學方式為非同步遠距教學。意思是, 學生必須自行觀看影片,最好定期而且超前進度。課表時間為M2 W3 W4 但不會用到每一節。

  • M2 (週一上午 9:00-9:50) 保留給回答用,有需要會公告
  • W3 W4 (週三上午 10:10-12:00) 保留給考試用,包括每兩週一次的小考和上機考、期末考。


  • 每兩週一次的小考和上機考
  • 程式評分 (與助教另外約)
  • 期末考

Language of Instruction

The recorded lectures are given in Mandarin, with subtitles in both (traditional) Chinese and (American) English. The TAs use the language(s) as they deem appropriate. The lecture slides, exam questions, and materials are given in (mostly if not all) English.

